
Look, it happens y’all. Whether young or old, many of us suffer from the gain of winter weight. This year’s winter ended and I looked in the mirror, and realized I needed to make some changes quick.

Look, anyone in the South who says they love winter usually only says it for a couple of weeks. Or, is a complete masochist. Short days. Cold ,wet weather. For many of us it leads to complacency and lack of effort to get up and at ’em.

Then there is the celebration and bane for us Southerners: our food. A salad in the winter just doesn’t sound as good as a plate of friedd chicken, biscuits, and mashed taters and gravy. Fruit for breakfast is replaced by biscuits and gravy. Mich Ultra for a stout.

So here we are. March arrives and winter weight needs to be shed. We did some research and found these 5 tips most “professionals” agree can help us drop that winter weight:

  1. Don’t Stress It- Stress is counterproductive to weight loss. Stop worrying about how you are going to lose that weight and just start working on doing it.
  2. Only weigh yourself once a week
  3. No Fad Diets- Just because it is “working” for others ( and is it really?) Doesn’t mean it will work for you. Most popular diets are successful in one thing- marketing.
  4. Avoid Skipping meals- Get your body back into a schedule. Just don’t eat before bed.
  5. Eat smarter- fruits and nuts instead of a candy bar. Grilled instead of fried. High protein, low fat. We all know all of this by now, it’s a matter of doing it.

Of course exercise, getting proper sleep, and all the other steps. Find something that works for you. And no matter what: enjoy the nice weather.