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The Origins And History Of Tea

by MARSHALL BONE Legend has it that tea was discovered almost 5,000 years ago when a servant of a Chinese Emperor boiled water and a...

Natural Discomfort Relief: 5 Herbal Supplements To Try

by MARSHALL BONE If you’re someone who deals with physical discomfort on a daily basis, you know what a pain it can be, in both...

Connecting With Departed Loved Ones: 5 Ways To Express Love

by MARSHALL BONE Once a loved one has passed, it can feel like a chapter is closed. However, a beloved person is never really gone...

7 Natural Ways To Tame Stress

by MARSHALL BONE A growing number of persons report experiencing stress and anxiety every year. In fact, stress is not an experience limited to adults;...

How To Fight Depression Naturally

by MARSHALL BONE Are you hesitant to take medications for depression? Do you want healthier alternatives to tame this condition? You’re in the right place! While...