
 The keto diet is a brilliant way to lose weight in a healthy manner. It is a rather restrictive diet, but we are here to show you how you can stick to it even when you’re on vacation.

The ketogenic diet is the one that has been helping people lose weight for a few years. It is a brilliant diet to follow because it allows you to tap into the natural metabolic state in your body known as ketosis. When you enter a state of ketosis, you can burn fat as fuel. The result is healthy weight loss; it is miraculous just how much you can lose.

This is a good idea to do some pre-trip research to see what kind of products you can get abroad. If you’re wondering how many carbs on keto you can eat, you should aim to consume 20% of your calories as carbohydrates. The remaining 60% should come from fat, and 20% needs to be protein.

Have a look to see if your destination has markets around so that you can stock up on fatty food. Always go for monounsaturated fats that can be found in foods such as avocados, fatty meat, tuna, and much more. You will also need to get your vitamins and minerals from nutrient-dense vegetables, mainly low-carb green veggies such as kale and spinach.

You could check online if the hotel you’re staying at has the keto diet appropriate food options, and don’t forget to research all of the local cuisines so that you have a rough idea of how local delicacies fit your dietary plan. Along with this, you should learn some words in the language that you can ask people about the food on offer. Do this, and you’ll have complete control over what you can and can’t eat.

A lot of people think that when they are far away from home, they won’t be able to stick to a diet that restricts the number of carbohydrates you can consume. It is certainly possible, so let’s find out more about what you can do.

Bring healthy snacks

If you arrive tired and hungry at the airport, you’ll probably want to sabotage your diet immediately and gorge on unhealthy snacks. A great tip is to eat as well as you can before you head off and take some keto diet snacks in your bag. It may be very difficult to find a keto-friendly fodder abroad. It doesn’t matter how much protein on keto you eat on holiday – if it’s junk food, then it won’t help you. There are some snack ideas that you could add to your keto food list:

  • Low-carbohydrate crackers
  • Tuna salad
  • Chicken salad
  • Nut butter packets
  • Beef jerky
  • Salami
  • Homemade bars made with your best keto protein powder
  • Avocado sandwich
  • Nutrient-dense dehydrated vegetables

Opt for self-catered accommodation

It is a whole lot easier to control your keto diet when you know exactly what you can eat. Having options to prepare your own food will give you peace of mind. This is one of those tips that will allow you to stick to your diet effectively, whilst also experiencing local produce. You can go to the local markets, grocery stores, and shops, purchasing food and feeling like you’re a part of the culture instead of only being a tourist.  Try to find a fridge so that you can stock up on high protein and high-fat meat that will perish easily.

You can stick to a keto diet

We hope to have shown you that you certainly can stick to a ketogenic diet when you’re on vacation. By no means, you don’t have to compromise your health and well-being just because you are away from home. Keto and vacation can go hand in hand, so follow our friendly advice and tips. You will lose weight on holiday!

Do you have any nice and easy keto recipes? Share them with us in the comments section below.

Our Author:

Catherine Wiley is a healthy food enthusiast and fitness instructor from Dorking, UK. She’s been a lifelong student of health and enjoys staying active with her husband, 2 young children, and dog Bentley in the beautiful Surrey Hills countryside.