insect repellant

Tired of mosquito bites and hate the smell and shady ingredients of chemical repellents? Good news, then — essential oils are natural mosquito repellent mixes. Find out how to create your mix! 

Oh, those early summer days with their warm, relaxing evenings… and mosquitos! These annoying insects are supposed to live in warm, humid areas, but that does not mean they cannot pester northern regions when the season is right. And what would a person do to avoid those blood-sucking insects? Most would surely run to the nearest convenience store to get a ready-made home care product for mosquito repellent.

 Some, however, take a more conscious approach. 2016 research by Scientific Reports shows that DEET mosquito repellents can potentially have carcinogenic properties. Aside from that, DEET insect repellents have plenty of adverse negative effects on human skin and body — from simple allergies to nausea and headaches.

 So, if you believe that factory-made substances have rather questionable contents, natural ingredients that repel mosquitos are the way out. Usually, those are fragrant essential oils, available in most stores. They are cheap, they smell nice, and — most importantly — they are excellent insect repellents!

Eucalyptus Lemon Oil

This natural insect repellent is not the strongest one you can find, but it’s natural and is equally effective with mosquitoes and ticks. Available in any drug store and convenience store, eucalyptus lemon essential oil has a soothing smell that positively affects the respiratory system. To create your own natural mosquito repellent, mix 10cl of essential eucalyptus lemon oil and 90cl of any other oil (olive or coconut work best). Apply this homemade insect repellent to your skin and enjoy a couple of hours without mosquitoes or other insects.


Citronella Oil

If you are looking for a more powerful mosquito repellent, citronella is your best friend. It is almost as effective as DEET repellents and, similar to chemical substances, can effectively protect you from mosquito bites for nearly two hours. To get your natural insect repellent ready, prepare the base (2oz of water with a touch of alcohol) and add citronella drop by drop. Sixty drops give you a weaker, 5% solution; 120 — a 10% insect repellent mix. If you’ve never used this natural repellent before, start with a weaker one because citronella can cause skin irritation.


 Lavender Oil

Another soothing essential oil that improves your sleep and, simultaneously, repels mosquitoes and most other insects. Quite effective all on its own, this essential insect repellent works even better in combination with lemon juice. Use a spray bottle with clean water (around 300cl will do) and add just 2-3 drops of lander essential oil. Squeeze 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice, and you’re good to go. If you want to make this mosquito repellent even more fragrant, add a touch of vanilla powder.


Peppermint Oil

Another effective, 100% natural mosquito repellent with a soft but fragrant aroma. The refreshing minty smell is nice for people, but not so much for insects. Also, this essential oil will help people who were already bitten, alleviating the swelling and the itching from mosquito and insect bites. Twenty drops of peppermint oil, mixed with 8oz of water, will protect you for a couple of hours, keeping mosquitoes and other insects at bay.


 Tea Tree Oil

Not every person loves the tea tree aroma, but one thing is certain: this essential oil has plenty of useful qualities (aside repelling mosquitoes). It’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, so if you want to give this natural repellent a try, you can mix it with a different oil that’ll act as a base. If you’re ok with the smell — even better. Use around 30cl of any oil base you like and add 10 drops of essential tea tree oil. Once again, a spray bottle works best because you will have a chance to apply your natural insect repellent straightway.


Basil Oil

Like Italian cuisine? Then, you will definitely appreciate basil mosquito repelling qualities and its familiar, tasty aroma. This essential oil is not only extracted from leaves (the smell you’re probably used to), but also from flower and stems. The essential oil preserves its spicy touch and works pretty good on most insects, mosquitoes included. This natural insect repellent works best in combination with fresh basil leaves, but if you do not have enough at hand, the essential oil will be enough.  

To create a new solution, pour half a cup of boiling water into a bowl with basil leaves. Leave the ‘tea’ sitting there for 2-3 hours. Add half a cup of vodka and ten drops of basil essential oil. That’s it — you have to 2-3 hours of insect-bite-free time!


Orange Oil

Another citrus-smelling essential oil that will save you from mosquito and insect bites without giving you a headache. This natural insect repellent will protect you from ants and spiders, not just mosquitos. The preparation logic is pretty much the same — you get around half a spray bottle of base (water plus a bit of alcohol) and add 10-20 drops of orange essential oil.


Rosemary Oil

This fragrant grass works against mosquitos, ants, and — wait for it — flies! This essential oil insect repellent is perfect for summertime because we all know how annoying flies can get. Sure, rosemary has a pretty specific smell, and not everyone will love it. The recipe for natural mosquito repellent is pretty standard — 10-20 drops of essential oil into your water-and-alcohol base, and you’re safe from insect bites for a couple of hours! 

As you can see, mixing any essential oil to repel mosquitoes and other insects does not take too much time and effort. Besides, unlike chemical mosquito repellents, essential oils smell nice. The only downside is that you have to apply them more often. But as long as you can avoid potential health hazards, we call it a bargain well-struck!

About the Author 

Archie was a builder for more than 40 years. Mainly after his retirement the enthusiastic electrical works in garden and writes for a blog to keep himself occupied. His many years of experience can get you the right tool reviews whether it is a drill, welding machine or so. An impressive fact to note about him is that almost everything in his house is a representation of his skills made by his hands.