Everything is bigger in Texas. So they say in Texas. But, if your lookin’ for bigger scares, Texas has what you are looking for. Here are our 10 favorite haunted places for y’all to get the bejeebers scared outta you in Texas:

  1. Miss Molly’s Hotel– Fort Worth- The oldest Bed and Breakfast in Fort Worth was home to cowboys, survived Prohibition, and even was a Bordello for awhile. The seven themed rooms in the hotel all share stories of paranormal activity, with the Cattlemen’s and Cowboy rooms having some of the more famous sightings of apparitions. The phenomena at Miss Molly’s includes full bodied apparitions, unexplained scents, items disappearing and reappearing, toilets flushing on their own, lights turning on and off, cold spots, unlocked doors refusing to open, and a variety of unidentified but entertaining sounds.
  2. Elder Space Artists Loft – Houston – At 1101 Elder St., the building used to be Jefferson Davis Hospital, which housed a psychiatric ward, and the Houston City Cemetery. Needless to say, people have reported weird sightings and experiences in the lofts.
  3. The Alamo
  4. Catfish Plantation – Waxahachie- The 1895 Victorian at 814 Water Street in Waxahachie is most definitely the residence of several earthbound spirits according to many paranormal professionals. Great cajun food is served with a side of ghoulish tricks. Among the resident spirits is a man who likes to “flirt” with female guest by touching their knee or shoulder or playing with their long hair; a young female who seems confused by her surroundings and “Caroline,” a previous owner who sometimes becomes short tempered because she sees herself as still being the head of the household.
  5. Magnolia Cemetery– Katy – They say there is a witch buried here.
  6. Kerrville, Tx. – Yes,the whole town- This small town, just two hours west of Austin, may look idyllic and quaint at first glance, but their wild ghost stories will make you think otherwise. This creepy city near Austin has had an insane amount of paranormal activity.
  7. Texas Killing Fields – Houston-Galveston – This 50-mile desolate patch of extremely rural Texas between Houston and Galveston has seen over 30 young women and children go missing since the 1970s. Only a few have been identified.
  8. Victoria’s Black Swan Inn – San Antonio – Built in 1867 on the historic site of the 1842 Battle of Salado, Victoria’s Black Swan Inn has been a home to some of the most prestigious people in San Antonio’s history. Before that it was thought to be an ancient Indian burial ground.
  9.  USS Lexington – Corpus Christie – Docked in Corpus Christi the USS Lexington serves as a museum for those interested in learning about military history. Commissioned in 1943, she set more records than any other Essex Class carrier in the history of naval aviation.The ship was the oldest working carrier in the United States Navy when decommissioned in 1991. After training maneuvers and a shakedown cruise, LEXINGTON joined the Fifth Fleet at Pearl Harbor. The Fifth Fleet was established April 26, 1944, at this time it was Central Pacific Force. During World War II, the carrier participated in nearly every major operation in the Pacific Theater and spent a total of 21 months in combat. Her planes destroyed 372 enemy aircraft in the air, and 475 more on the ground. She sank or destroyed 300,000 tons of enemy cargo and damaged an additional 600,000 tons. The ship’s guns shot down 15 planes and assisted in downing five more.
    The Japanese reported LEXINGTON sunk no less than four times! Yet, each time she returned to fight again, leading the propagandist Tokyo Rose to nickname her “The Blue Ghost.” The name is a tribute to the ship and the crew and air groups that served aboard her. A Japanese plane crashed into the ship killing most of the member of the engine room. Reported apparitions and screams still happen today.
  10. Baylor University – Waco- Considered one of the most haunted universities in the world. Home of the ghost of poet laureate Elizabeth Barrett Browning among others.