If you didn’t like last winter, you may want to stop reading right now. The 2020 Farmers’ Almanac’s extended weather forecast is calling for a “Polar Coaster Winter,” with plenty of frigid temperatures and snow for a majority of the country.
“Freezing, frigid, and frosty” are the exact terms used to describe the upcoming season, especially for areas east of the Rockies all the way to the Appalachians.
No Rest for the Winter Weary
“We expect yet another wild ride this winter,” shares Pete Geiger, Philom., Editor, “with extreme temperatures swings and some hefty snowfalls.”
The coldest outbreaks in late January are forecast to affect millions of people living in the Northern Plains into the Great Lakes (remember last winter in Chicago?), with the possibility of temperatures dropping to -40 in the Plains.
The western-third of the country is forecast to see a milder ride with near-normal winter temperatures and precipitation predicted.
The 2020 Farmers’ Almanac also includes a recap of its spot-on “teeth-chattering” forecast for 2019 (did you know that last winter was one of the wettest winters on record?).

Snow Ahead
The Almanac calls for above-normal winter precipitation over the eastern third of the country as well as the Great Plains, Midwest, and the Great Lakes. The Pacific Northwest and Southwest should see near-normal precipitation.
With colder-than-normal temperatures in the Northeast and above-normal precipitation expected, the Farmers’ Almanac extended forecast forewarns of not only a good amount of snow, but also a wintry mix of rain, sleet—especially along the coast.
The South
Wet but mild from Texas to Tennessee to Florida and up the Carolinas. The exception is heavy winter in the Appalachians. (SOURCE)
Spring, Summer and Fall Forecasts?
Each new edition packs 16 months of weather forecasts into 200 pages of factual fun. The Farmers’ Almanac, which features an orange and green cover, breaks the country into 7 weather zones and provides forecasts in 3-day increments and includes weather summaries for all four seasons.
More than Weather
This year’s edition also contains life hacks and natural remedies on ways to melt ice more naturally, use salt as a cure for common ailments, plus trivia about who invented the first diet, what bugs are safe and tasty to eat, how animals survive extreme weather, and tons of gardening tips and best days to fish, view full Moons and much more.
For more information go to FarmersAlmanac.com