During a late night visit to Austin, a group of Texas Aggie pranksters branded the University’s first longhorn mascot “13 – 0,” the score of a football game won by Texas A & M. In order to save face, UT students altered the brand to read “Bevo” by changing the “13” to a “B,” the “-” to an “E,” and inserting a “V” between the dash and the “0.” For years, Aggies have proudly touted the stunt as the reason the steer acquired his name. Well, that’s the legend, here is the truth.
Other Traditions: “Hook ‘Em, Horns!,” Big Bertha, Texas flag pregame, The Chancellor’s Spurs, Burnt Orange and White, Smokey the Cannon, Orange Squad, Texas-Texas A&M Football Rivalry, Earl Campbell, The Forty Acres, “The Eyes Of Texas,” Hook ‘Em hand sign
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The 12th Man

On Jan. 2, 1922, the heavily outgunned Aggies were facing the top-ranked Centre College Praying Colonels on the gridiron in the Dixie Classic in Dallas. An Aggie by the name of E. King Gill, a squad player for Texas A&M’s football team, was up in the press box helping reporters identify players on the field below — and what was happening on the field wasn’t pretty.
The Aggies found themselves plagued by injuries, with their reserves seemingly dwindling with every play. As Texas A&M Coach Dana X. Bible looked across his rapidly emptying bench, he suddenly remembered Gill’s presence in the stands. Bible waved Gill down to the sideline and told him to suit up. Gill ran under the bleachers and put on the uniform of injured running back Heine Weir, who had been knocked out of the game in the first quarter.
Gill returned to the sideline, where he stood ready to play for the entirety of the game. When the last play was run, the Aggies found that they had pulled off one of the greatest upsets in college football history, winning the game 22-14.
And Gill remained standing, the only player left on the team’s bench. The 12th Man. (Source)
Other Traditions: Midnight Yell, Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, Yell Leaders, Corps Of Cadets, Howdy, “Gig ‘em,” Battle of the Brazos, Gig ‘em hand sign, “Reveille,” Student Bonfire, Maroon Out, The Spirit of ’02, Texas-Texas A&M Football Rivalry, Johnny Manziel