About Straight Up Southern

Why Straight Up Southern? Affordable tees that allow southerners to show their proud lifestyle.
Why The GSP?:
The German Short Haired Pointer is a hard working and enthusiastic dog. They’re always up for physical activity and fun. The GSP is loyal to family and friends.
Who Is Straight Up Southern? Our SUS men and women are leaders of their own pack. They are confident, work hard and aren’t afraid to cut loose. They’re passionate about their freedoms, their country and their Southern values. Our goal is to give these men and women an easy, affordable and comfortable way to show everyone what they’re all about!
What We Create:
Rustic, Hand-drawn tees
Beer Bottle Koozies
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Website: StraightUpSouthern.com
Instagram: @straightupsoutherntees
Facebook: straightupsoutherntees
Email: customercare@kosscreative.com