
By Jim Hughes, Guest Contributor

You may be overjoyed upon the anticipation that a new baby is going home. But, more than high emotions, you should plan the necessary preparations to begin as soon as possible, even after knowing the pregnancy.

Below, are the things to get ready while waiting for a newborn baby:


1. Clean and Safe Space in Your Room

Many parents can set up great nurseries, but you should have some space in your room for the baby. The baby may be sharing a room with the parents, according to their sleeping pace. Such space must be on a firm flat surface with a tight-fitting sheet.

2. Changing Area or Station

This is considered as the most important stuff in the nursery. This place will serve its critical purpose and you will realize this right after staying in the hospital. You may have wipes and diapers on hand, but it is better to have them ready in a diaper container. You can be surprised, but this is a job you can’t suspend.

3. Kitchen Remake

  • Look at your counter critically to weigh which one should be stored or not. You can make a space for the baby-food maker and bottle rack. You can keep the baby spoons, sippy cups, and bowls eventually.
  • Have some room in your fridge and allocate some space for breast milk and formula (you can include the delicious dish brought by family and friends as they visit the newborn). You can clean everything from to bottom. You can wipe the shelves with a warm sponge with diluted white vinegar in the sticky spots.
  • Spare some time on sterilizing. The new baby stuff like pacis, pump parts, teething toys, bottles, and nipples are needed to be sterilized. No need to boil them, soapy hot water is enough to kill common germs and bacteria.

4.   Give Your House a “Safety Test” 

If you have a baby at home, it is expected that the baby would crawl over the kitchen or any open cabinets that may contain harmful chemicals. You can apply for a payday loan if you need help to welcome your new house member. 

Babies’ body clock tends to make them more mobile at night times-better prevent now than suffer lack of sleep later. A study shows that cleaning products like dishwasher pads and laundry must be out of reach and out of sight. You can place them in a cabinet that is securely locked.

5.     Organizing the Closet is Key

Reasonable individuals tend to have an intuition that havings kids at home should make one more organized in everything. The more people and things to look after, the more organized you should be. If you place your babies’ clothes in a big plastic according to size, those may still be shuffled. You could instead file them in a baby’s closet according to the growth stage.

6. Prepare Baby Travel Gear and Stuffs

If it is the time to get new baby goods, remember you have to get other products, to be outdoors with safety and style. Every state in the U.S requires a car seat (other stated up to age 8). It is advisable to have some time learning this valuable purchase.

  • Car seat
  • Stroller/Travel system (with reclining seat for a newborn)
  • Baby carrier
  • Portable play yard
  • Footmuff/baby bunting bag
  • Diaper container/bag
  • Diaper and wipes case

Having the items above will make you more confident and prepared to have the baby. But you can’t be limited with lists, you can purchase other baby products for a better, more convenient and safe life, both for the baby and the parents.

As expecting parents, you have to be ready upon the baby’s coming. Yet, more than anything, you should get your house ready for its new occupant.

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